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Labhram gach la a reir do cheartais
Gach la taisbim do smachd, a Dhe;
Labhram gach la a reir do reachd-sa,
Gach la is oidhche bithim toigh riut fein.
Gach la cunntam lath do throcair,
Toirim gach la dha do nosda speis;
Gach la tionnsgam fein dhut oran,
Teillim gach la do ghloir, a Dhe.
Beirim gach la gaol dhut, Iosa,
Gach oidhche nithim da reir;
Gach la's oidhche, duar is soillse,
Luaidhim do chaoibhneas dhomh, a Dhe.
We hope you enjoyed this and go to the site whereyou can sample many of these ancient prayers and incantations. Very special thanks to A' Chiste Ghaidhlig for this material.
'Feuch air fear coimhead Israil
Cadal chan aom no suain.'
(The Shepherd that keeps Israel
He slumbers not nor sleeps.)