Day is Dying in the West
(The Chautauqua Hymn)
Words: Mary A. Lathbury, 1877
Day is dying in the west;
Heav’n is touching earth with rest;
Wait and worship while the night
Sets the evening lamps alight
Through all the sky.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of Thee!
Heav’n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord most high!
Lord of life, beneath the dome
Of the universe, Thy home,
Gather us who seek Thy face
To the fold of Thy embrace,
For Thou art nigh.
While the deepening shadows fall,
Heart of love enfolding all,
Through the glory and the grace
Of the stars that veil Thy face,
Our hearts ascend.
When forever from our sight
Pass the stars, the day, the night,
Lord of angels, on our eyes
Let eternal morning rise
And shadows end.

Mary Ann Lathbury, 1841 - 1913.
Miss Lathbury was born in Manchester, Ontario County, New York, on August 10th. 1841. She wrote extensively for the American religious periodical press, and is well and favourably known. She was a teacher, artist, and editor as well as a writer (and not only of hymns). She taught art at a number of schools in the northeastern US, and was then hired as associate editor for the Methodist Episcopal Sunday School publications. She wrote and illustrated many poems and other pieces for those books and magazines, including the Child's Life of Christ.
Her two most well known hymns are:
. "Break Thou the Bread of Life" — communion with God; a "Study Song" for the Chautauqua and Scientific Circle written in the summer of 1880.
"Day is dying in the West" — evening: written at the request of the Rev. John H. Vincent D.D. in 1880. It was a "Vesper Song", and has been frequently used in the responsive services of the Chautauqua Literary and Scient
Mary A. Lathbury C. L. Parker
Words: Mary A. Lathbury, 1877 (verses 1-2) & 1879 (verses 3-4).
She wrote this hymn, and Break Thou the Bread of Life,
on the shores of Lake Chautauqua, New York. Music:
Chautauqua, William F. Sherwin, 1877 ific Circle.

This page is dedicated to the Memory of Estelle Campbell
Copyright 2009 , Jim & Beth Boyle, All Rights ReservedNo part of this website may be used for any purpose ( including using images ) without written consent from The Rams Horn