Alcohol Utensil and Manufacturing Company, Newark, N. J.
This is the text from the add above:
Alpha Alcohol Stoves
"The most complete line of practical and efficient Alcohol Stoves in the country for marine use, camping, bungalows, household, hospitals and traveling. A hot blue flame in half a minute. No pumping up required. No asbestos wicks to char or carbonize. By means of an easily cleaned brass wire wick, the burners are always at the height of efficiency. The round Stove shown here has an adjustable rail to hold any size pot or pan secure when in a seaway or rough water. Send for Catalogue.
Alcohol Utensil & Mfg. Co. 109 M Hamilton St., Newark, N.J."
Our 1912 Alpha Stove

The burner trivet with legs on this stove is made of iron. There is a shallow "pan", where you place the initial charge of alcohol in the area under where the kettle or pot sits. The tank and tubing are solid brass. The control on the flame is a wooden knob that is on a threaded rod. It uses a brass needle adjuster valve which looks and serves as a needle valve in a carburetor that makes this simple stove work smoothly. After the stove gets hot it vaporizes the alcohol and clean blue flames jet out of the burner. The tank has an ornate brass screw lid that also can be lighted or loosened to control pressure a wee bit. It has to be loosened a bit to allow the gravity to feed the fuel to the burner. When extinguished you tighten the lid to avoid having the alcohol evaporate until its in use again. This brass kettle I use with this did not come with the stove but it works well. You use regular camping alcohol or denatured alcohol. To begin cooking with this stove you open the valve to allow alcohol to drip into the bottom pan, or bowl. After wetting the pan, you shut off the flow and light the pan with a match. After a half minute or so, the fuel will warm the tubing and the burner turning the fuel in the tube into vapors. You open up the valve again just a bit and then instantly there are blue odorless flames that appear from the burner. When adjusted properly, you can get a nice flame with no raw fuel dripping anywhere. This design burner works wonderfully as designed.

From an another 1911advertisement from "The Rudder" :
"Seldom has a line of appliances awakened such tremendous interest everywhere among lovers of power-boating, yachting, camping, etc., as the new line of Alpha Marine Stoves and Flat Irons, made by the Alcohol Utensil and Manufacturing Company of Newark, N. J.
Denatured alcohol is conceded to be the safest and cleanest method of producing heat ever known. Unlike kerosene or gasoline, alcohol gives absolutely no smoke—no soot—no odor. And alcohol cannot explode. It is so much better in every way than any other fuel known, that it will soon displace all other fuels in the course of time.
The coming of the Alpha line marked a new era in American made alcohol utensils. This new line presents so many features of improvement not found in any other line of imported or domestic appliances that it easily places the Alpha line in a class by itself.
The Alpha Marine Stove is made in one-burner, two-burner, and three-burner sizes. The tanks are elevated to give additional and continuous pressure, a very desirable feature, found in the Alpha Marine Stove only.
They are durably made, and are so compact and light, that they can be easily carried from place to place. Being extremely handy and portable, as well as handsomely finished, they can be set on a table within easy reach—a big advantage over gasoline or kerosene stoves.
All Alpha Marine Stoves are especially fitted for Marine purposes. They are equipped with attachable screw legs which permit the stove being fastened down in any place desired. A brass railing prevents the pot or pan in use from being thrown off, by rocking and jarring of the boat.
The Alpha Alcohol Flat Iron is the most practical self-heating iron ever devised. It permits the ironing to be done anywhere. In the cabin—on the deck—on the shore. Permits the user to carry the iron to the work instead of the work to the iron. Being nickel-plated all over, Alpha Flat Irons are handsome in appearance, as well as most effective.
The manufacturers of the Alpha line will be glad to send you their complete catalog of alcohol stoves and irons. Write the Alcohol Utensil and Manufacturing Company, Newark, N. J„ to-day for a copy, with prices, etc."
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